Clark & Cassidy Certified Public Accountants offers tax planning, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and accounting services to clients residing throughout the United States.
With the advent of Zoom, secure document file sharing services, our client portal and esignature, we no longer have to be sitting across from the desk from each other or even in the same town to provide bookkeeping, accounting and tax services to our clients.
Many clients use QuickBooks online, so we are able to log into the program (once we are granted access by the client) to oversee and advise our clients on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis as needed. By keeping on top of your profit and loss through the year, our team is able to strategically plan for year end before the ball drops on December 31. At year end, it’s as simple as logging into QuickBooks to pull the required reports so we are able to prepare the tax returns.
For those business clients not using an online platform for their accounting, we request PDF copies of balance sheet and income statements throughout the year to provide our strategic advisory and tax planning services.